Plenty of sunshine, some shade, cooling breezes, world renown beaches, crystal clear waters, breathtaking sunsets, comfortable tropical warm weather all year round…perfect.
Culebra is located off the eastern coast of Puerto Rico, the awesome tropical climate is about the same in Culebra as on the main island. The great, year-round, Culebra Puerto Rico weather is the main reason why so many residents of the United States choose to spend the winter months on the island for long vacations or a quick unforgettable getaway from the cold winters.
Read on for more information, current weather conditions, the weather forecast, live weather radar, and the NOAA tropical weather outlook. We’ve also included a tides chart at the bottom of this page which also displays sunrise and sunset times.
Weather Forecast for Culebra, Puerto Rico
Average Temperatures in Culebra
The average temperature in Isla de Culebra, Puerto Rico averages in the 80’s ºF all year round. Afternoon temperatures can reach the 90’s F during summer months and 80’s F over the winter. It cools down in the evening and overnight to low 80’s during the summer and 70’s F during the winter. On the small mountains around the island, the temperature drops a little more in the evening but just by a difference of 3-5 degrees F. A cold front from the north called a norte occasionally drops the temperature to the 60’s F during winter months. No matter where you choose to stay, you will have nice tropical weather. Even on a hot day in the summer months, it won’t feel too sticky or unbearably hot since there is typically a constant breeze or some nearby shade that can cool you off.
Rainy Months in Culebra
The months of May, October and November are usually the months with more rain; however, they are usually showers that only last a few hours or less during the afternoons – so you can still get to the beach. Make sure to arrive at the beach in the morning during these months. If you “snooze, you may lose”.
Hurricane Season – Culebra, Puerto Rico
Officially the hurricane season in Culebra and Puerto Rico begins on June 10th and officially ends on November 30th. Historically, most of the hurricanes occur between August and November. The last major hurricane was Hurricane Irma on September of 2017 damaging infrastructure, hundreds of homes and businesses followed by Hurricane Maria two weeks later. Hurricane Georges was on September of 1998, causing around 2 million dollars in damages. Statistically major storms hit the island on an average of 3.85 years.
Should you travel during hurricane season?
Some of the benefits of hurricane season are rates, typically down from high season and summer rates for both flights and hotels, and the weather may be just perfect. When a hurricane does hit, some are able to leave the island with the notice and many unable to leave until is over. If you are traveling during hurricane season:
- We recommend you purchase travel insurance in case you need to cancel your vacation plans. Get a free travel insurance quote here.
- One great question to ask the management of a Culebra hotel or vacation rental is whether they have a water reservoir and back up electricity generator for emergencies. If you happen to be on the island during a hurricane, you will be glad you asked these questions before booking.
- Be sure to travel with enough medications to cover for your trip and another week just in case.
NOAA – Culebra Puerto Rico Water Temperature Forecast
Average Monthly Water Temperatures (°F) at Culebra Beaches, PR (source: NOAA)
Jan – 77 | Jul – 81 |
Feb – 78 | Aug – 83 |
Mar – 78 | Sep – 83 |
Apr – 79 | Oct – 82 |
May – 81 | Nov – 81 |
Jun – 82 | Dec – 80 |
Culebra, Puerto Rico Tide Chart
Live Culebra, Puerto Rico Weather Radar
The Island of Culebra is located directly in the center of the radar map box below.
- Click Here for up-to-date information on any Hurricanes or Tropical Storms in the area.
- Live Puerto Rico Weather Radar.
- More Information about Weather in Puerto Rico.
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